
Running Out of Gas: What to Do Next

Written by Tampa Towing | Jul 13, 2024 11:49:13 PM

Running out of gas can be a stressful and inconvenient experience, especially if it happens in an unfamiliar area or at an inconvenient time. Knowing what steps to take can help you manage the situation safely and efficiently. This blog post will guide you through the essential steps to take if you run out of gas and offer tips on how to prevent it from happening in the future.

1. Recognize the Signs of Low Fuel

Fuel Gauge: Regularly monitor your fuel gauge to ensure you have enough gas. If the needle is approaching empty or the low fuel warning light comes on, it’s time to find a gas station immediately.

Vehicle Performance: A sputtering engine, reduced power, or unusual noises can indicate that you’re about to run out of gas. If you notice these signs, it’s crucial to take action quickly.

2. Safely Pull Over

Find a Safe Spot: If you realize you’re about to run out of gas, find a safe place to pull over. Look for a well-lit area away from traffic, such as a parking lot, the shoulder of the road, or a rest stop.

Turn on Hazard Lights: Activate your hazard lights to alert other drivers that your vehicle is stationary. This helps prevent accidents and ensures your safety.

3. Assess Your Situation

Determine Your Location: Identify your location using landmarks, road signs, or a GPS device. Knowing exactly where you are will help you communicate your location to roadside assistance or friends and family.

Check for Nearby Gas Stations: Use your smartphone or GPS to find the nearest gas station. This can help you decide whether to walk for fuel or wait for assistance.

4. Call for Help

Roadside Assistance: If you have roadside assistance coverage, call them for help. Many roadside assistance providers can deliver enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station.

Friends or Family: If you’re close to home, call a friend or family member who can bring you gas. Be sure to provide them with accurate information about your location.

5. Use a Fuel Can

Purchase a Fuel Can: If you decide to walk to a nearby gas station, you’ll need a fuel can. Many gas stations sell fuel cans for this purpose.

Safety Precautions: When using a fuel can, ensure it is properly secured and that you follow all safety instructions. Avoid smoking or using your phone while handling fuel.

Fill Your Tank: Carefully pour the fuel into your vehicle’s tank. Once you have enough fuel to reach a gas station, drive there to fill up your tank completely.

6. Stay Safe While Waiting

Stay Inside Your Vehicle: If you’re waiting for assistance, it’s usually safest to stay inside your vehicle with the doors locked and windows up, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar or isolated area.

Be Visible: Keep your hazard lights on and, if available, set up reflective triangles or flares behind your vehicle to increase visibility.

7. Preventing Future Fuel Emergencies

Monitor Fuel Levels: Regularly check your fuel gauge and refuel when it reaches a quarter tank. This gives you a buffer and reduces the risk of running out of gas.

Plan Ahead: Before embarking on long trips, plan your route and identify gas stations along the way. Refuel at regular intervals to avoid running low.

Use Fuel Apps: Consider using fuel apps that help you locate nearby gas stations and monitor fuel prices. These apps can help you find the best places to refuel, especially in unfamiliar areas.

Keep a Fuel Can: Carry an empty, approved fuel can in your vehicle. In emergencies, this can be a lifesaver if you need to walk to a gas station.


Running out of gas can be a stressful experience, but knowing what steps to take can help you handle the situation safely and efficiently. By monitoring your fuel levels, planning ahead, and using available resources, you can prevent future fuel emergencies and stay safe on the road. Always prioritize your safety and seek help when needed to get back on your journey as quickly as possible.